- 分享

Lecture Notes on Infectious Diseases, 4/E
- 出版日:2024/7/15
- 書號:B310e4
- 作者:Ken K. S. Wang
- ISBN:978-626-392-026-2
- 總頁數:468
- 開數 / 印刷:18開,單色
- 定價:580 元

全書分為八章,內容包括:傳染病的基本概念、發生過程、腸胃道傳染病、腸病毒群、呼吸道傳染病、性傳染病、病媒傳染病、急性病毒性肝炎,並附錄台灣有關傳染病防治的法規。各章之前加上重點提示(Highlight),章末新增重點複習(General review)、複習考試題目(Review test)等,便於讀者閱讀、參考及準備各種考試。
第四版依最新資訊更新修訂,內容涵括關於SARS, MERS, COVID-19等流行病的介紹。

Chapter1 An Introduction to the Infectious Diseases
Chapter2 The Infectious Disease Process
Chapter3 Gastrointestinal Tract Infectious Diseases
Chapter4 Enteroviruses Groups Infectious Diseases
Chapter5 Respiratory Tract Infectious Diseases
Chapter6 Sexual Transmitted Diseases
Chapter7 Vector-Borne Infectious Diseases
Chapter8 Acute Viral Hepatitis
Appendix I Laws and Regulations on Communicable Diseases Control in Taiwan
Appendix II Tetanus (Lockjaw; Neonatal Tetanus) (ICD-10 A33)


Ken K. S. Wang
Educational qualifications
Doctor of Science, National Chung Hsing University
Master of Science, Kaohsiung Medical College
Bachelor of Science, Chung Shan Medical College
Academic experiences
Associate Professor, Chung Shan Medical University
Assistant Professor, Chung Shan Medical University
Vector Control Technician (PCO)
Medical Examiner
Current position
Professor, Department of Public Health, Chung Shan Medical University